Feeling Burnt Out? How Adaptogens and Nootropics Can Reignite Your Spark

Do you find yourself drained at work lately, staring blankly at your computer screen as the hours tick by? When you get home, instead of feeling motivated to work on personal projects or enjoy quality time with loved ones, do you head straight for the couch? If so, you’re not alone. Burnout is becoming increasingly common in today’s high-pressure work environments.

Luckily, there are science-backed supplements you can take to boost your productivity and regain your spark — without resorting to unhealthy amounts of caffeine or energy drinks. These supplements are called adaptogens and nootropics. Keep reading this post to learn how they work and discover some of my top supplement recommendations for defeating burnout and improving your performance at work.

What Are Adaptogens and Nootropics?

You may have heard people talking about adaptogens and nootropics, but not totally understand what they are. Let’s clear that up!

Adaptogens are non-toxic herbs and mushrooms that help your body handle stress more effectively. They work by regulating hormones involved in your body’s stress response. In today’s high-pressure work environments with long hours and tight deadlines, stress piles up. Over time, chronic stress can make you feel totally depleted and burnt out. Adaptogens revitalize you so you can power through stressful days with more resilience. Some popular adaptogens are ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea, ginseng, cordyceps mushrooms, and holy basil.

Nootropics are supplements that enhance your cognitive function, including focus, memory, motivation, and attention span. Just like muscles grow stronger with targeted exercise, regularly taking nootropics strengthens your neural connections serving these cognitive functions. Whether you’re in back-to-back meetings, writing complex reports, or learning new skills on the fly to stay competitive, nootropics give your brain the extra juice it needs. Some top nootropics are L-theanine, L-tyrosine, phosphatidylserine, and lion’s mane mushroom.


Top Adaptogen and Nootropic Supplements for Work

Now that you understand what adaptogens and nootropics are, let’s explore some top options that could catapult your productivity and performance at work to thrilling new levels. Keep reading for my personal recommendations!

L-Theanine + Caffeine

L-theanine is a nootropic found in green and black tea. It has an alert yet relaxed effect on the mind. When combined with caffeine (from coffee or tea), the L-theanine takes out the jittery edge, leaving you calm and focused. I drink matcha green tea for the perfect mix, or take an L-theanine + caffeine supplement on busy days.


Battling anxiety that makes it hard to concentrate at work? Ashwagandha is your new best friend. This potent adaptogen is clinically proven to slash stress and anxiety levels. Instead of constantly worrying, you’ll handle challenges with poise and ease. A 2019 study even found ashwagandha could boost productivity in chronically stressed workers. The impressive benefits don’t stop there... ashwagandha can also boost your memory, reaction time, creativity, and endurance.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

If brain fog is dampening your workplace mojo, lion’s mane can help lift that haze so you can think clearly and sharply again. In fact, lion’s mane mushrooms have been shown in studies to strengthen focus, memory, reasoning skills, and creativity in older adults experiencing cognitive decline. As we age, everyone can benefit from a mental boost...and nootropics like lion’s mane can turn back time on your brain!

Cordyceps Mushroom

Need to power through fatigue, improve endurance, and sharpen mental stamina at work? Meet cordyceps. These mushrooms have adaptogenic superpowers, helping your body better handle physical and mental stress. Research confirms cordyceps mushrooms fight fatigue and boost energy levels, strength, exercise capacity, and oxygen utilization. They’ll get you hustling through long days with plenty left in your tank so you can maintain peak performance.

Rhodiola Rosea

Does your productivity and creativity start slipping around 3pm when mental fatigue sets in? Rhodiola rosea is an incredible adaptogen that research shows can conquer brain fog and mental fatigue. Users also report mood-elevating effects. Rhodiola provides a nice steady stream of energy and motivation, without the crash you get from too much caffeine. It makes tough deadlines and perfectionistic bosses seem far less dreadful!

Give Your Brain the Nutrients it Craves

Like topping off a car with gas or giving plants nutrient-rich soil, your brain needs premium fuel too. Skip the junk food and start feeding your body (and brain!) adaptogens and nootropics. Think of it as both a protective and performance enhancing strategy. Protective because they buffer your system from damage caused by stress. Performance enhancing because they provide the nutrients needed for peak mental and physical output.

The great news is that many of these supplements have few (if any) side effects and are quite affordable. It’s easy to incorporate them into your daily routine. Start with one at a time and pay attention to your energy, productivity, and stress levels. Then build a custom stack that works synergistically to bring out your best.

With the right adaptogens and nootropics in the mix, you can stop feeling like a burnt out zombie at work. Instead of struggling to make it through hump day, you’ll power through the full week with boundless creative energy left for weekend fun. Now get out there and start performing at the top of your game!

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